Priority 1: Increase Academic Achievement
Goal 1: All CCS learners will graduate equipped with a plan for the future.
Priority 1: Increase Academic Achievement
Goal 2: All CCS learners will have access to rigorous, inclusive, and relevant learning experiences.
Priority 1: Increase Academic Achievement
Goal 3: All CCS learners will demonstrate mastery in reading and math, leading to the elimination of achievement and opportunity gaps.
Priority 2: Provide a Culture of Safety, Wellness, and Belonging
Goal 1: CCS will support social, emotional, and physical wellness.
Priority 2: Provide a Culture of Safety, Wellness, and Belonging
Goal 2: CCS will foster a strong sense of community.
Priority 2: Provide a Culture of Safety, Wellness, and Belonging
Goal 3: CCS will promote a safe and positive learning environment.
Priority 3: Support Our Staff
Goal 1: CCS will recruit and retain licensed and properly endorsed staff. n here
Priority 3: Support Our Staff
Goal 2: All CCS staff will engage in meaningful, relevant, timely, and personalized professional learning.
Priority 3: Support Our Staff
Goal 3: CCS will recruit and retain teachers of color.
Priority 3: Support Our Staff
Goal 4: CCS will value staff voice.
Priority 4: Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations
Goals 1: CCS will modernize facilities to meet the evolving needs of the division.
Priority 4: Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations
Goal 2: CCS will advance operational efficiencies and upgrades.
Priority 4: Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations
Goal 3: CCS will promote sustainability and environmental awareness.
Priority 4: Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations
Goal 4: CCS will demonstrate fiscal stewardship.