Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/30/2024 - 5:00 PM
Category: Items for Discussion
Type: Info
Subject: 10.1 Overview of Grading Expectations - Dr. T. Denise Johnson and Dr. Anna Isley
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
Overview of Grading Expectations_Supportive Information Sheet_May 30, 2024 SB Meeting.pdf
Equitable Grading Presentation_May 30, 2024 SB Meeting.pdf
Background and Summary: Dr. T. Denise Johnson, Supervisor of Equity and Inclusion, and Dr. Anna Isley, Coordinator of Professional Learning and Gifted Education, will present the Overview of Grading Expectation for Board information.
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Increase Academic Achievement
Target 6: Increase percentage of classes or subject areas that use equitable grading practices.
Strategy 6: Complete thorough practices across the division, and develop a division policy on equitable K-12 grading and assessment practices.
Action Required None
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends the Board receive the information.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Royal Gurley - Superintendent