Meeting Date:
10/10/2024 - 5:00 PM
Items for Discussion
10.6 Budget Development Process (2025-2026 Proposed Budget Development Calendar) - Renee Hoover
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
Background and Summary:
Ms. Renee Hoover, Director of Finance, will present the 2025-2026 Budget Calendar for Board information. The budget calendar sets the public meetings schedule for the fiscal year 2025-2026 budget development process and outlines the proposed budget preparation, discussions, and approvals. There are changes with the FY 2026 budget calendar. This budget calendar kicks-off a month later. There is a joint School Board and City Council meeting planned for December to focus on the school’s budget priorities. February will be packed with budget meetings, leading up to the final approval on Thursday, February 20th.
Strategic Plan
Priority 4: Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations Will demonstrate fiscal stewardship. Timely, accurate, and transparent communication of budget information to the members of the community.
Action Required
No action is required. The Budget Calendar will be presented at the November 7, 2024 meeting for approval.
The Superintendent recommends the Board review the 2025-2026 Proposed Budget Calendar as presented for information.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Royal Gurley - Superintendent