Meeting Date:
2/6/2025 - 5:00 PM
Action Items
10.1 Action - Reconfiguration Furniture Purchase for 5th Grade Classrooms - Kim Powell
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
Background and Summary:
On Thursday, January 30, 2025, Kim Powell, Chief Operations Officer, presented the proposed Reconfiguration Furniture Purchase for 5th Grade Classrooms to the Board for consideration upon first review. The item is now being presented for approval.
When the 5th grade moves from Walker back to the six elementary schools and the preschool classrooms move from the elementary schools to what is now the Walker campus for the 2026-2027 school year, the preschool classroom furniture will be moved from the elementary schools to the current Walker campus. However, it is not recommended to move the old 5th grade furniture from Walker to the elementary schools, as the old furniture will be incompatible and noticeably different from the new furniture that each elementary school installed during the elementary school modernization projects.
The vendor that provided the elementary furniture packages for the elementary modernizations has provided a quote to equip the 5th grade classrooms with comparable furniture for each school. The vendor has also arranged with the main manufacturer for CCS to be able to order the 5th grade furniture early, along with the 8th grade furniture and ahead of an upcoming manufacturer price increase. Both the 8th grade furniture for the new Middle School and the 5th grade furniture will be delivered and installed in summer 2026.
Staff recommends that the School Board authorize use of fund balance to enable issuance of purchase orders starting in February 2025 up to a total of $379,150 in order to secure the 5th grade furniture needed for reconfiguration and avoid manufacturer scheduled price increases as much as possible.
Strategic Plan
Priority 4 - Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations
Goal 1 - CCS will modernize facilities
Goal 2 - CCS will advance operational efficiencies and upgrades
Goal 3 - CCS will demonstrate fiscal stewardship
Action Required
Action will be requested at the February 6, 2025 School Board Meeting.
The Superintendent recommends recommends that the School Board authorize use of fund balance to enable issuance of purchase orders starting in February 2025 up to a total of $379,150 in order to secure the 5th grade furniture needed for reconfiguration and avoid manufacturer scheduled price increases as much as possible.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Royal Gurley - Superintendent
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Chris Meyer Moved, Member Lisa Torres seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends recommends that the School Board authorize use of fund balance to enable issuance of purchase orders starting in February 2025 up to a total of $379,150 in order to secure the 5th grade furniture needed for reconfiguration and avoid manufacturer scheduled price increases as much as possible.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 7 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 7 - 0 | | | Lisa Torres | Yes | Dom Morse | Yes | Emily Dooley | Yes | Amanda Burns | Yes | Shymora Cooper | Yes | Nicole Richardson | Yes | Chris Meyer | Yes | |