Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/5/2024 - 5:00 PM
Category: Items for Discussion
Type: Info
Subject: 10.2 School Name Review Update - Dr. T. Denise Johnson
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
School Name Review Update_Supportive Information Sheet_December 5, 2024 SB Meeting_12-3-2024.pdf
School Naming Committee Presentation_December 5, 2024 SB Meeting_12-3-2024.pdf
Background and Summary: Dr. T. Denise Johnson, Supervisor of Equity and Inclusion, will present an update on the Elementary School renaming process.
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Provide a Culture of Safety, Wellness, and Belonging
Action Required None
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends the Board receive the update from the four school name review committees. This fall, Charlottesville City Schools resumed the process of reviewing the names of our elementary schools to make sure they reflect the current values of our community. At Burnley-Moran and Johnson, the committees’ task is to recommend the new name for these schools, building off the previous school naming committee’s work in 2022-23. At Jackson-Via and Greenbrier, the committees’ work will be to begin and complete the process of reviewing the school’s name (and if any name changes are indicated, make a recommendation about a new name). The superintendent endorses the committee’s recommendations: Burnley-Moran: Pending a final meeting with the Superintendent on December 4, the committee is expected to make a recommendation of Sunrise. Greenbrier: Keep the name Greenbrier. Jackson-Via: Keep the name Jackson-Via. Johnson: The committee recommends the name Tall Oaks. Additional information will be presented on the slides.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Royal Gurley - Superintendent