Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 12/5/2024 - 5:00 PM
Category: Items for Discussion
Type: Info
Subject: 10.3 Capital Improvement Update - Kim Powell
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
Capital Improvement Update_Supportive Information Sheet_December 5, 2024 SB Meeting.pdf
Capital Improvement Update_Presentation_December 5, 2024 SB Meeting.pdf
Background and Summary: Kim Powell, Chief Operations Officer, and Michael Goddard, City Facilities Development Manager, will provide an overview of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) process and an update regarding projects recently completed and currently in progress.
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Provide a Culture of Safety, Wellness & Belonging

Goal 3: CCS will promote a safe and positive learning environment.

Priority 4: Ensure Effective and Efficient Operations

Goal 1: CCS will modernize facilities to meet the evolving needs of the division.

Goal 2: CCS will advance operational efficiencies and upgrades.
Action Required No Action is required at this time.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the Capital Improvement Update.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Royal Gurley - Superintendent